Tree Treats – Autumn Favourites

This autumn was very colourful – and starring is of course the forest and its glorious inhabitants. Here are some of my absolute favourites this year. Enjoy.

As usual, click for a larger view.

Finish – a panorama of the yellow alley and the beech trees at Hässleholmsgården

11 tankar om “Tree Treats – Autumn Favourites

    • Yes, they are over here now. Rain and wind will take the final few leaves this weekend. A wee too little sun this autumn, but in your glorious photos it seems England got more of it.

    • Last year autumn was a real hit. The year before, almost nothing. Such is the change of seasons. But, I find it hard to live without those changes.

      • i don’t witness the dramatic change of seasons, and in the cloud forest it’s the same scene year round.. sometimes the plants are a little thirsty, and other times they are happy and saturated! on the coast we have a dry season and a rainy season… we witness the leaf drop on many plants, but most do it ‘quietly.’

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